Below are examples of files that contain reference designator, X/Y center, rotation, etc. data in various formats. These are known as XY Rotation (XYR) data files. All of these files and more can be imported into the Unisoft software.

After importing the XYR file into the Unisoft software then typically you would import the Bill of Materials (BOM) file. Note if a BOM is not available you could also use the XYR file as the BOM if it contains the necessary data. At that point you could start to export out your Assembly and AOI files, etc. Also if you want to you could add overlays to give it more of a look of the actual PCB board. For example you could bring in pictures or you can add Gerber silkscreen and gerber pin data etc. if needed.

Please note that it is always preferable to use full CAD files and not a XYR file as your first choice for importing into the Unisoft software.

For more detail go to or contact Unisoft.

EXAMPLE #1 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=2, xloc=3, yloc=4, rot=5, units=inches )

391727-10-9 R19 -5.375 -0.950 180.0
391728-10-9 R20 -5.500 -1.225 270.0
391729-10-9 R22 -5.500 -0.950 90.0
391723-10-9 R23 -4.625 -1.225 0.0
391713-10-9 R24 -4.625 -0.950 180.0
391716-10-9 R25 -4.750 -1.225 0.0


EXAMPLE #2 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=4, yloc=5, rot=6, units=inches )

R25 0805 1Kohm -4.750 -1.225 0.0
R26 0805 20Kohm -5.750 -1.245 0.0


EXAMPLE #3 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=4, yloc=6, rot=8, side marker=9, units=mils )

C1 10nF RLP133 125.00 m 525.00 m 180 TOP
C2 10nF RLP133 1325.00 m 525.00 m 180 TOP
C3 10nF RLP133 2550.00 m 537.50 m 180 TOP
C4 10nF RLP133 3737.50 m 537.50 m 180 TOP
C5 10nF RLP133 4925.00 m 537.50 m 180 TOP
C6 0.1uF RLP133 6055.00 m 275.00 m 0 TOP


EXAMPLE #4 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=2, yloc=3, rot=4, units=mils )

R18 1730 115 270 r0805
R20 1190 125 0 r0805
R21 175 725 270 r0805
R22 1555 340 0 r0805
U1 790 555 90 so-20w
Q1 670 1050 0 sot-23


EXAMPLE #5 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=3, yloc=4, rot=9, side marker=8, units=mils )*

Designator Footprint Mid X Mid Y Ref X Ref Y Pad X Pad Y TB Rotation Comment

R219 RES0805 5720mil 1410mil 5720mil 1410mil 5686.535mil 1410mil T 360.00 10.0K
R138 RES0805 5720mil 1330mil 5720mil 1330mil 5686.535mil 1330mil T 360.00 10.0K
R217 RES0805 5720mil 1250mil 5720mil 1250mil 5686.535mil 1250mil T 360.00 10.0K
R437 RES0805 6810mil 960mil 6810mil 960mil 6810mil 993.465mil B 270.00 10.0K
R246 RES0805 6900mil 960mil 6900mil 960mil 6900mil 993.465mil B 270.00 10.0K
R73 RES0805 6810mil 770mil 6810mil 770mil 6810mil 803.465mil B 270.00 10.0K
R26 RES0805 6900mil 770mil 6900mil 770mil 6900mil 803.465mil B 270.00 10.0K
R53 RES0805 6810mil 550mil 6810mil 550mil 6810mil 583.465mil B 270.00 10.0K
R44 RES0805 6900mil 550mil 6900mil 550mil 6900mil 583.465mil B 270.00 10.0K


EXAMPLE #6 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=6, yloc=7, rot=8, units=mils )*

C1,CAP NP_0805_47UF/6.3V,47uF/6.3V,,0805,4790.00,3926.00,90.000,NO
C2,CAP NP_0603_0.1UF/25V,0.1uF/25V,,0603,5375.00,3926.00,90.000,NO
C16,CAP NP_0805_0.1UF/50V,0.1uF/50V,,0805,7570.00,4231.00,180.000,NO
C17,CAP NP_0603_220PF/50V,220pF/50V,,0603,7295.00,4261.00,270.000,NO
C18,CAP NP_0603_220PF/50V,220pF/50V,,0603,7485.00,5246.00,180.000,NO
C19,CAP NP_0603_220PF/50V,220pF/50V,,0603,8065.00,5256.00,180.000,NO


EXAMPLE #7 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=4, yloc=5, rot=6, side marker=7, units=mm )*



EXAMPLE #8 - PCB X/Y CENTER & ROTATION FILE ( Fields: ref des=1, xloc=3, yloc=5, rot=7, side marker=9, units=mil )

U4 ! 2468.99 ! 1135.82 ! 0 ! t ! 06-0001 !
C19 ! 2684.66 ! 947.58 ! 0 ! m ! CC0201 !
C21 ! 2452.74 ! 1025.62 ! 270 ! m ! CC0201 !
C22 ! 2312.49 ! 847.04 ! 90 ! m ! CC0201 !
C24 ! 2326.74 ! 1277.54 ! 90 ! m ! CC0201 !

* An asterisk above indicates that minor editing maybe required for this format.

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Web Consulting by Dorene Matney
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