Electronic Components Search

Help for looking up part number information such as part shape, electrical specifications, cost, availability, etc. on the internet can frequently be found by using the Electronic Components Search feature of the Unisoft software.

The Electronic Components Search feature helps you find information such as cost, availability, part shape, electrical specifications, etc. Provides fast searching for electronic parts using your favorite parts search engine for example Octopart, FindChips, Alldatasheets, ECIA Authorized, etc.

Search for electronic parts using the Manufacturer or Vendor P/N for example ERJ-3EKF1002V . Also search by the electronic component number or name such as MAX232, LM393, resistor 10k, shift registers, inverter schmitt trigger, etc.

To Use: Open the Smart Color window at the bottom of the display by clicking OPEN SMART COLOR OPERATIONS on the ASSEMBLY SHEETS/1ST ARTICLE menu.


The Smart Color window at the bottom of the display appears. Double click the part number desired located on the left side of the Smart Color window and the window Edit Step, Operation, And/Or Sequence is displayed.

In that window pictured below select the ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS SEARCH WEBSITE you wish and in the COMPONENT SEARCH field enter the Manufacturer or Vendor P/N for example ERJ-3EKF1002V . Also you can search by the electronic component number or name such as MAX232, LM393, resistor 10k, shift registers, inverter schmitt trigger, etc. Next click LOOK UP to find the information.

electronic part number lookup

The result is Part Number information such as cost, availability, part shape, electrical specifications, etc. are displayed.

Manufacturing-Part-Number-Lookup 2


Manufacturing-Part-Number-Lookup data sheet

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