CAD Export Samples

The Unisoft software can import all the different types of CAD, Gerber and BOM files and display them on the screen, then export them to other formats. Output formats include GENCAD, Fabmaster, IPC-D-356, IPC-2581, Mentor Graphics, PADS .ASC, .XML, Unisoft .FBA, etc.

We suggest you look at the content of the various CAD file formats that the Unisoft software can export to see if it has the elements that you need and you can test them out as imports to your system.

To download a zip file with samples of the following CAD exports the Unisoft software can create go to link — This zip file with the CAD export samples was created from the PCB in the picture below which was originally imported into the Unisoft software from a PADS .ASC file format.

pcb gerber viewer cad viewer software

A listing of the CAD file formats the Unisoft software imports is at The content of the data in the CAD file that the software imports will dictate data fields in the exported CAD file. These standardize format files exported by the Unisoft software can contain the key PCB elements such as reference designators, netlist, netnames, pin numbers, pin XY positions, surface location, device type SMD/THD, component xy center positions, component rotations, trace run segments, part shapes, board outline, BOM data part numbers and details, via types standard / buried / blind-accessible-top / blind-accessible-bottom, etc.

Note: The .XML exported format available from the Unisoft software contains most all of the PCB information and it is a stable vendor independent format and therefore is often a preferred format for software developers, equipment vendors and software suppliers that may want to import a fix format into their software. More information: Unisoft xml export definitions specifications.

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